Jake Tingen

Jake specialises in administrative law, environmental law and constitutional law. He represents a wide range of clients in complex proceedings concerning environmental issues, nature protection issues and administrative sanctions.

Jake Tingen Stibbe

Jake Tingen

Senior Associate Amsterdam

Jake specialises in administrative law, environmental law and constitutional law. He represents a wide range of clients in complex proceedings concerning environmental issues, nature protection issues and administrative sanctions.

Jake Tingen

Senior Associate Amsterdam

Jake has experience in politically relevant proceedings that generate a lot of media attention.

He obtained a master’s degree in Administrative and Constitutional Law from the University of Leiden in 2017. Before becoming a lawyer, he lectured in administrative law and constitutional law at the University of Leiden.

Jake has written numerous articles and case commentaries on administrative and constitutional law issues.

Languages: Dutch, English
Admitted to the Amsterdam Bar: 2018
Reception waiting room with modern chairs, a coffee table and a view on the Brussels city center at Stibbe in Brussels
NL Law

Stibbe vertegenwoordigt Volt Nederland in procedure bij gerechtshof Amsterdam

Stibbe heeft de politieke partij Volt Nederland bijgestaan in een hoger beroep tegen de uitspraak van de rechtbank Amsterdam in een geschil met een oud-Volt-Kamerlid.

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London cab taxi
NL Law

Stibbe represents Circuit Park Zandvoort

Stibbe has again successfully represented Circuit Zandvoort. The Formula 1 Grand Prix in September will go ahead.

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NL Law

Stibbe advises Circuit Park Zandvoort

Stibbe has advised Circuit Park Zandvoort on the necessary permits for the renovation of the circuit to make it possible to host Formula 1 racing in Zandvoort.

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NL Law

Stibbe advises Zeewolde and Geefsweer wind farms

​On 19 December 2018, the Administrative Jurisdiction Division of the Council of State ruled that the building of Zeewolde and Geefsweer wind farms could go ahead.​​

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